The latter has entirely enclosed the 5000.00 sq. m. plot and intends to cut down all the firs on the mentioned territory, with the purpose to construct a steel concrete building, what is absolutely inadmissible. This territory according to the general plan approved by Tbilisi “Sakrebulo” is a part of the recreation zone (R. Z. 2) where the road building with monolithic, steel concrete construction is prohibited. In the same way, the building activity is prohibited by Georgia Law about the exceptional protection of green plantation and state forest fund within Tbilisi boundaries and adjoining to it territories”. For that reason, the population living in this locality is extremely worried and doesn’t conceal their discontent. They appealed to Ecological Law Centre for help. Lawyers and the operative group of the Centre got acquainted with the situation on the spot and promised to help the population.

It’s true none of the trees are cut down yet, but the owner doesn’t conceal that this he really intends to do. As a preventive measure Ecological Law Centre has immediately sent letters to the ecological and landscape gardening service of Tbilisi City Hall and the Ministry of Environmental protection, so that cutting down the firs in the recreation zone shouldn’t be allowed. Otherwise the Centre plans to take radical measures.
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