On the 18th of August a press conference was held in the office of Ecological Law Centre. The Centre struggles on to save “Mziuri”, where on the initiative of Tbilisi City Hall the highway building has begun. As the representatives of Ecological Law Centre declare the building of the main will cause a pollution of Tbilisi recreational zone. In particular: ecological pollution of the Vere River gorge, “Mziui”, and the Zoo territories and what is most important, the air, which keeps Tbilisi alive, will be polluted too.

The new main project directly contradicts approved by Tbilisi “Sakrebulo” general plan. The territories where the high-speed main is to pass are as we have mentioned children’s sports-sanitation town “Mziuri” and adjoining to the Zoo territory. These territories for their part, according to the general plan approved by Tbilisi “Sakrebulo” are included in the recreation zone, where the road building with monolithic and steel concrete constructions is prohibited.
The lawyers of the centre in this connection have already appealed to corresponding services of Tbilisi City Hall and requested to stop the building. In case the building is not stopped Ecological Law Centre intends to make a compliant into court and protect the mentioned territory from destruction. The mentioned problem has aroused great interest of the press and media broadcasting.
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